The Bacochiem project embarked to Phu Sa Recreational Park in Can Tho City for the inaugural outdoor excursion. After months of one-on-one work, this would mark the first occasion where everyone in the project meet for a day of games and friendship.
All in all, it was an incredibly silly, fun-filled day. It began at 5am, with over 30 em's getting on the bus, 15 Chi volunteers from the "Flower Petal" group, Chi Hoa (the program manager), Chi Phung the liaison from the HIV/AIDS Prevention Association that houses our project), her two boys, and a great friend of the organization Chi Giang.
I wasn't there. So rather than describe the day, I'll let a volunteer from the "Flower Petal" group describe what their thoughts. (I translated these, so excuse the occasional awkwardness]
"I can see that everyone in our group used up all their energy to prepare for this event and to ensure that we could communicate our message to the em's" - Ngan
All in all, it was an incredibly silly, fun-filled day. It began at 5am, with over 30 em's getting on the bus, 15 Chi volunteers from the "Flower Petal" group, Chi Hoa (the program manager), Chi Phung the liaison from the HIV/AIDS Prevention Association that houses our project), her two boys, and a great friend of the organization Chi Giang.
I wasn't there. So rather than describe the day, I'll let a volunteer from the "Flower Petal" group describe what their thoughts. (I translated these, so excuse the occasional awkwardness]
"I can see that everyone in our group used up all their energy to prepare for this event and to ensure that we could communicate our message to the em's" - Ngan
For Bacochiem, this was the first day of a long month of convincing these girls to commit to school for the upcoming year and for years to come. For many children around the world (especially industrialized nations), a free education would be enough incentive to at the very least try to attend. These girls don't have a free education. Even if tuition is covered, the family considers them a burden if they aren't contributing to the household income.
The perception of girls as a burden that should be sold off as a commodity is a common perspective in certain blocks. The dangerous part is that the perception is often held by the girls themselves.
In this year, we are working hard to fight this view and help these girls find a road that empowers them to leave the red light behind them.
This blog will keep track of the many stories of the volunteers and the girls themselves throughout the school year as we prevent sexual exploitation before it ever begins.
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